

Small kitchen - small decoration!

I really like our kitchen. It's awfully small and sometimes a pest to cook in because as soon as there's something more elaborate, you have to do the dishes in between and that gets annoying. But all in all, I'm very happy with what we made of our 300€ cheap kitchen. There are still a few things that need to be done, but once everything is alright, I'll update the blog with pictures of the complete kitchen.

For now, there's one thing I want to show you - my little wall of fame.

Please excuse the bad quality of the picture - it's too dark to take a better one at the moment! There are a lot of different things to be seen here, let me break them down!

On top, there's a really old grater we found in our old apartment. Same goes for the one on the right below it - that's an old cutting board. I really liked the floral design on it and wanted to incorporate it somewhere. The small pot lid was just too cute to throw away, another thing I found in the old apartment (and yes, we really did find so many things when we moved out tat we'd never used or even seen before!)

The three picture frames that have handwritten things inside them are old recipes. The one in the lower right corner is from my mother's first cookbook, she let me have that page because she never cooks it, it's a recipe for cheese soufflé. The one in the center is from the lady that lived in our old apartment before we moved in, I found it together with a super old Dr. Oetker cookbook and since she left us so many things in the apartment, I wanted to take at least a small piece of it with us to our new home.

Now, the one on the upper left is the one I'm really proud of. I found it in my grandma's old recipes. My grandma's father used to have a butcher's shop, he passed it on to my grandpa, who passed it on to my uncle. It closed a few years ago because of the economy, but this recipe keeps it alive! It's the recipe for our famous Fleischwurst (pork sausage) that we won a few prizes for and that I ate every day. And now I have it in my kitchen!

The frame with the wooden spoon contains a page from that old Dr. Oetker cookbook I found, the page describes everything you ever wanted to know about soups - and what people back in the 1950s thought of it! The spoon isn't quite as old as that book page, but it sure looks like it!

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